
Need a new place to rent? Looking to move to a new area but not quite ready to buy?Home_Rental Search

We can help you locate the area’s top properties so you can make the best decision on where to live. We do the searching, you do the packing. And best of all, the landlord pays us a fee for our services.

Our rental location service is designed to help you through every step of the rental process.

The rental process includes:

  • Tenant consultation which includes learning about your housing and lifestyle needs
  • Search for and identify suitable rental properties
  • Tenant tour of those rental properties to find the one you want to live in
  • Explain the move in costs associated with the desired property

Once a property is found:

  • Prepare and explain the complex paperwork involved with making an offer to rent
  • Make a written offer and provide all the necessary information required by the landlord
  • Work with other Realtors and landlords to reach a mutual agreement on price, terms and conditions of the lease
  • Help you with the association application and approval process
  • Collect the move-in money to be deposited into an escrow account
  • Provide utility company phone numbers to help set up utilities (electric, water, cable, etc.)
  • Hand over the keys on move-in day
  • Conduct a walk through inspection of the property to note any existing defects to protect your security deposit

Please fill out the form below if you’d like one of our agents to assist you in finding your next great home.

    We are committed to equal housing opportunity. We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin.

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